First day on the Road – May 4, 2009

I've headed east on Interstate 90! Stopped in Ellensburg to get gas, then at the Ginkgo Petrified Forest trail, just outside Vantage. By the time I finished my peanut butter sandwich, we were the only ones there. I love that.

We walked the trail of petrified wood stumps (elm was the most beautiful, I thought,) and ventured out on the hiking trail for a little bit to smell flowers and herbs and listen to the light rain soak the parched, volcanic earth.

Armani is being a really good girl. I think she will do fine on this trip. She takes her guarding job very seriously, but lets people and cars go by at a safe distance without barking. And she LOVES the RV. Everything in it works pretty well — a few scars and leaks — but that just makes us feel well-traveled, even at this early phase.
At 8 – 9 miles per gallon with a full load and moderate wind, we are taking it easy! I figure it may cost me $75 in gas just to get to Spokane, so why rush things?


The rain and all the miles were making me sleepy, so we found a rest stop to chill at for the night. Listened to the Tom Petty Ezra gave me on the way. I will stop in Ritzville tomorrow for gas and breakfast and then on to Spokane and Elk!

About to leave

I’m just days away from hitting the road.

It’s taken a lot of work and planning and there is still more to be done! But I am so excited. This will be an amazing adventure and an important project — documenting the state of patriotism around the U.S. and taking a snapshot look at certain subcultures: newspapers, churches and Indian reservations. It will also be a chance for you to see how I do living frugally in my small, mobile home. I’ll include some juicy tidbits in the “diary” category.

Please message me with suggestions of places to park or visit, as well as topics to photograph and write about!


Rocinante, my RV

I finally found the perfect rig. Her name is Rocinante. It's a tongue-in-cheek reference that reflects our humble beginnings, yet bold aspirations, and pays tribute to a fellow writer with a similar idea. Google it 🙂


And inside Rocinante, my dog and traveling companion for the duration of this adventure, Armani!
