Steubenville, Ohio – I can smell the east coast from here!


Steubenville, Ohio, population 19,000, is separated from Pennsylvania by a few miles and a sliver of the top of West Virginia. It has a distinctly more east-coast feel than all the other places I've visited.

The population has staggered a bit in recent years with the slowing of the steel industry. But the town has a pretty cool feel. It's hilly and green, with some 'birth-of-America' era history.

The fort you see below was originally built in 1776.


This bell replicates one from 1873.


A bridge in the distance is being retrofitted to allow cars again.


And despite whispers of past political corruption here, Justice hangs her scales above it all.


There are 25 murals painted on walls downtown, including this one in a courtyard park that once served as a cultural center for Steubenville's black community.


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